Learn From Legacy Leaders How to Ignite You,

Your Business, and Humanity

Discover your purpose-led mission
and use it to make an impact.

It all starts with you and your legacy.

There comes a time when you begin to think about the legacy you leave behind. You start to consider the person you want to be, the values you want to hold close, and the impact you want to create for others.

Your legacy is your hard-won wisdom, the beliefs you navigate life by, and the inspiration and ideas you leave behind. You want to know that you have left the world a better place and that your work has a meaningful impact on all who surround you.

Your legacy is your power. It allows you to use the now to start thinking about what is next. It empowers growth and embraces purpose and passion, both in your business and life.

The journey of discovering what you want your legacy to be and how you want to wield it is why The Legacy Lounge was created. The Pink Billionaire and her Legacy Leader guests will inspire you to build your phenomenal legacy.

A Message From The Legacy Lounge’s Host,

LADY JB OWEN, The Pink Billionaire

We were all born to leave an impact on this planet. For me, I knew that being an entrepreneur was what fulfilled me from the time I was 9 years old, selling my handmade jewelry outside the pub while I waited for my father.

It excited me to discover the need of my customer, often one they didn’t know they had, and sell them the solution. I felt the joy of knowing I had put a smile on someone’s face by showing the women they could treat themselves and the men they could give a loving gift to their partner.

Everything about it was a win, win, win. I felt pride in selling something I had made, my customer felt great because they now had a solution to a problem they had just realized existed, and their wives and girlfriends were happy to know their partner was thinking of them.

Throughout my path as an entrepreneur and businesswoman, one thing that became clear to me was that any business I did had to have what I came to call the “Triple Win.” Even this has evolved into the 4x, 5x win. I win, my team wins, my client wins, the people my clients touch win, and humanity overall wins from so many people benefiting and transforming. Seeing the benefits when everyone wins is, to me, the fundamental essence of a winning business.

That Triple Win mentality pushed me to always be thinking of ways to make something that provided joy to everyone. The Legacy Lounge was born from this as well. I wanted to provide a powerful learning and connection experience that benefitted the ideas, plans, and growth of everyone in attendance.

The Triple Win is part of my legacy. I want to create a world that has a better, more heart-centered way of doing business where there are no losers and everyone's a winner.

That is my Legacy. What is yours? Let’s discover it and Ignite it together.

JB Owen

The Pink Billionaire

Founder and CEO of Ignite Publishing, JBO Global, and Lotus Liners

Discover Your Legacy at The Legacy Lounge

World-Class Leaders, Interactive Discussions, Life-Changing Ideas

The Legacy Lounge is a weekly coming together of some of the brightest business minds on the planet. Known as Legacy Leaders, each weekly Legacy Lounge features a high-caliber guest with a fascinating story behind their success and life-changing advice for those who want to create a powerful legacy.

As a VIP guest of the Lounge, you’ll be able to gain exclusive access to the live event where you’ll be able to meet the visionary leader, learn their secrets of success and powerful legacy-building, and ask them your questions.

The Legacy Lounge is for purpose-driven individuals who are ready to look ahead at what is possible. It is for those who are ready to think about their ideas not just for the now, but for the future of their company, their sector, and the world.

Life-Changing tools, not just for your life, but

for the lives of all those to come who will be

impacted by your legacy.

Connect With Visionaries and Discover High-Level Legacy Concepts

Each week, VIP Legacy Lounge guests will get the chance to join host JB Owen and her prominent Legacy Leader guest for an evening of powerful thought leadership, insight, and legacy building. Each exclusive Legacy Lounge session is 90 minutes long and is held live every Thursday for members.

The Legacy Lounge follows the groundbreaking “Pod-Mastery” format. The first 30 minutes of the Lounge is a live podcast-style discussion between The Pink Billionaire and her guest, where the Legacy Leader will share their ‘Ignite Moment’ and how they built their legacy. It gives you the opportunity to learn the story behind this leader’s success and gain insight into the thoughts, ideas, and emotions behind their platform.




The Legacy Lounge brings together the best of the best to explore high-level thoughts and concepts relating to legacy. Because of the powerful ideas being brought to the Lounge every single week, The Legacy Lounge is the place for transformative business impact.

A yearly membership to The Legacy Lounge has a value of over $80,000, though the information you’ll gain is priceless. In fact, many of our guests are so sought after that just an hour of their time can cost upwards of $50,000! Since we want to give you the tools to Ignite your legacy, we are offering premium monthly and yearly memberships at a phenomenal price.


When you are a Legacy Lounge member, this is what you get every single month:

  • 4 weekly live podcast sessions
  • 4 weekly live high-level masterclass sessions lead by our Legacy Leaders
  • 4 weekly Q&A sessions with our Legacy Leaders
  • Recordings of every Legacy Lounge evening
  • One eBook filled with highlights from that month’s Legacy Lounge guests

To awaken your idea of legacy, offer you the tools you need to succeed, and have a mentor to show you the way, join us at The Legacy Lounge to expand your thinking and achieve your dreams. We are a result of the people we hang out with, so join The Pink Billionaire and her guests and witness your life transform.


Host JB Owen discovered her legacy through life-long trial and error. She kept going through failure until she unearthed a new, heart-centered way forward for how she was doing business. It took exploration, discovery, and a lot of hard work.

She wished she had someone to guide her, a leader who could have helped her discover her purpose and build her legacy without all the setbacks. She wished she had someone to teach her a new, triumphant way forward that puts legacy at the forefront.

JB created The Legacy Lounge and found the most transformative guests available so that you could have that guidance she had been wishing for. She created The Legacy Lounge because she knows there are others out there like you with a passion for something great and a desire to leave an impactful legacy. She knows others can streamline their path to greatness if only they had a guide.

The Legacy Lounge was created for you.

This is your opportunity to learn, thrive, and excel as you bring about abundant success and start looking to the future.

This is your chance to take control of your story and leave a worldwide impact. Join us!


I attempted to self-publish a book that I began writing four years ago, which turned out to be a disaster. Then I met JB Owen and her awesome, high-energy Ignite team who helped me revitalize my book and placed me on the path to completion. In addition, I have also become an Ignite author through the book Ignite the Hunger in You with the great Les Brown. This entire high-level experience with Ignite has been empowering, educational, and simply fun!

Curtis Ghee

I want to say that writing with Ignite was an amazing experience. Every time I felt stuck, JB and the team were always there to help out. This was my first book as a co-author and the experience was amazing. The training was very valuable and I got to meet incredible human beings. Working with Ignite, JB, and the support team has been an amazing experience, full of value and support. I am a first-time author and the experience has been awesome. I highly recommend Ignite. Thank you!

Erasmo Rivera

JB, and the entire team at Ignite have been nothing short of miraculous. They have managed to transform me into an actual author. My experience could not have been better and my very high expectations were greatly exceeded. The support I received and continue to receive is off the charts. I went from zero experience, to now working on my solo book with the expectation of writing multiple books in the near future. Words cannot express my gratitude for everything they have done for me.

Ermos Erotocritou

Writing my story has been an exceptionally fulfilling, adventurous, and exhilarating journey. After many years of having the aspiration of becoming a published author, Ignite has been a very instrumental force in making this a reality. Working with the dynamic JB Owen and her team of extremely accomplished managers, editors, strategists, and designers has been an unforgettable experience. Without their loving support coupled with their extraordinary professionalism, I could not have achieved this milestone. Thank you Ignite for being a team of superheroes (and super-sheroes)! May God bless you all!

Jenise “Sandy” Todd

As an author, one of the things that’s most important to me is that my voice is the one that’s being heard through my writing. I’m very pleased with the work that the Ignite family did to assure that. Each phase was a joy to work through and I’m excited to share my story with the world. Many thanks to JB Owen and the entire Ignite team!

Jocelyn McClure

JB Owen truly ignited the inner author in me! Teaming up with JB and her extraordinary editors not only made the seemingly impossible task of becoming a best-selling author a reality, they helped me realize that sharing my story can genuinely help to inspire others to make today, tomorrow's successful yesterday!

Holly H. Kalua, RN

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